In this section you can see the natural image, enlarged, by clicking on it. In addition, there is a brief description and keywords.

Landing Page

Lionheart is the company behind, the social section and the portfolio archive... and is constantly evolving. A new landing page has arrived!!

We have been trying for some time to organize a pole of online services and functions that take the form of the group.

Lionheart is the company that heads for design, as regards the social promotion, and of as regards the archiving of the various works carried out.

To these must be added a service under development which is (or Dependency. store) which is not yet completed but which will represent our future cloud.

While previously redirected to, a landing page has been added which currently redirects to the main services performed without a real own site designed to explain the functionality of this IT hub.

We will provide a real support base as soon as everything is ready.

Stay Tuned!! es el sitio que ha acompañado la actividad del grupo Lionheart desde el principio... incluso antes de que existiera una empresa real.

Es un portal que cuenta la filosofía y la visión detrás de cualquier publicidad. campaña que lleva a cabo Lionheart.

Es un sitio que explica las herramientas y recursos en los que se basa la experiencia con la que nos esforzamos para lograr un servicio a la altura de las expectativas.

Es un portal que celebra años de honrosa carrera, décadas de evolución gráfica y de programación, a través de un repaso a lo que ha sido todos estos años. is the section that deals with the advertising promotion of on social networks.

If you are browsing this site, you will have had the opportunity to get an idea of how it is structured.

First of all it is translated into 3 languages... and in any case it is divided into 3 branches: articles, images and videos.
These are the main means of advertising offered by at the moment. Enjoy browsing!!
Portfolio is the section of intended for archiving the works carried out, published precisely, in order to have a very broad overview of all the company's advertising interventions.

It is divided into 3 branches: Web, Graphics and Video.
Web deals with the programming of sites and portals, Graphics deals with graphic processing and Video with film editing.

Over the years, some materials have been lost... others have not they may be published.

I believe however that this is enough to give an idea of the incredible amount of work done.