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Protected Password

We have been immersed in the metaverse of the web for decades and our sensitive data is entrusted to the security of our passwords. Having a password that protects us from possible attacks is a MUST that we cannot abstain from.

Having a strong password is one of the necessities nowadays.
We all keep most of the data essential to our survival in our electronic devices: from simple personal data to the most important bank data... not to mention infinite data that seem unimportant to us, but which are essential to shady activities of unscrupulous hackers.

It is, in fact, thanks to a series of information that we consider superfluous that an attacker could collect an increasingly complex mosaic of data until he could steal our identity, at least for a digital point of view.

Keeping our personal information safe is the first precaution that everyone could do in our society which is at the dawn of the information age, because it is precisely on information that they are based many of our actions.

Just think that, ironically, it is enough to know which companies will be well listed on the stock exchange to make the right investments... it is enough to know in advance the winning numbers of the next superenalotto to become an effortless millionaire!!!

Information has taken on a fundamental role in our society and it is up to us to know how to defend it and make it bear fruit.
To have a strong password there are a series of rules which, among the most experienced, these seem to be almost taken for granted... but which very often then, especially in practice, many of us ignore, believing that we cannot belong to the category of people whose devices are hacked.

a) First of all, the password must not be an easily recognizable number such as dates of birth or simple scales of sequential numbers;

b) The password must not be a commonly used word or too similar to the user's basic data, because hacker tools are specifically designed to focus on simple words... especially at the beginning;

c) The password must have a certain length, in order to prevent easy random identification, so it is suggested to be greater than 8 characters;

d)Another suggested feature is that its components are: uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
