In this section you can see the natural image, enlarged, by clicking on it. In addition, there is a brief description and keywords.


Leonardo Lanari .com is back online. In a new, autonomous, free guise.

Leonardo Lanari .com is back online.

In a new, autonomous, free guise.

Not much has changed, from a graphic point of view. We have kept the same layout, the same graphic style, the same colors, the same fonts.

We have not changed anything from a content point of view either. The site is the same as before: it advertises our business, explains our point of view and the tools we use to achieve our goals.

What has changed then?
All the sites of the Lionheart panorama are autonomous and managed independently by us, on our server !
Finally our server is fully operational, freeing us from storage spaces for third parties.

In fact, from today, we no longer rely on providers like Aruba, GoDaddy or WeRegister. The server, which will manage our sites, is located in our office.

Thanks to a powerful and secure internet connection, we are able to satisfy requests to provide browsers with the data to view the sites hosted by the server itself: quickly, with a preferential route and a static and public IP address that allows us to be found online.

The domains are the same as always, registered by a state-of-the-art company with the competent authorities and spread like wildfire through DNS channels.

Lionheart is a dream come true !!
We have long studied the best hardware solution, looking for the workstation that would have best supported us in processing the content you requested every time.

The workstations are ready and all connected by dense networks of cables to develop and program content suited to your needs.

We will soon begin offering services to the market to help you manage your digital needs with our experience.
We have already studied market slices for what concerns the development of fixed and mobile software to satisfy unexpressed needs.

Keep following us, we will surprise you!