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Palio del Fantasma

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This is an article about updating the Palio del Fantasma website to more modern technologies.

Let's start with some history.
In the face of a first version, developed with unreliable technologies but although updated, the site had been taken offline due to sudden and continuous hacker attacks that had undermined its security.

Placed on the sidelines for a long time, over time the need for the Palio to have a site as it once was, also because the number of daily visits was contingent.

Unfortunately, however, the reworking of the site (both stylistic and structural) did not find the approval of the institutions set for the development and marketing of the event.
The Palio is a medieval re-enactment event, typical of the Municipality of Castel Ritaldi, which has been held between the summer months of July and August since 1985.

The districts of the Municipality of Castel Ritaldi (ie the main hamlets) will have to challenge each other, through numerous competitions, earning bonuses up to the final challenge, which will decide the victory of one of them in the coveted palio.

It all began with a legend, according to which the ghost of the late Leonello de Ritaldi wanders restlessly haunting the castle, since Lucrezia Borgia (Lady of the time famous for her unorthodox methods) poisoned him to punish him.
< br> The only way to remove the ghost from the castle is, therefore, the aforementioned race and the winning of the palio of the current year.
The site represents a very valid point of reference, as it is enriched by the contributions of many people.

It has a large textual archive that explains the Municipality of Castel Ritaldi, from all points of view, also to any tourists who they want to go deeper into the issue.

The event is treated in a very detailed way since the early years of its birth, at least as far as it could be done, adding written material and vintage photographs, in some exceptional cases.

But also the territory has been well described, also thanks to the most famous existing books that deal with the fabric of the Municipality and which are cornerstones of local literature.

There is also a decent video library that tries to retrace the event since its first editions and up to the present day ... at least as long as it was possible to work on the materials !!
In the beginning the site was developed with CMS Joomla , which was then very fashionable among programmers.

It was one of the favorite tools because it relieved developpers from writing programming code by hand, being able to count on a series of libraries, plugins and modules (in many cases free) that lightened the work considerably.
Within, relatively, little time could be counted on a very complex and yet simple site in its use.

What programmers didn't know, but some don't even know today, is that these software, which are easily found online, just to be open to everyone and used by everyone, have been the target of quite a few hackers in their search for ports. safe for their questionable actions.

In the case of the Palio site, it had to be dismantled since any updates and actions taken for pest control were unsuccessful.

Reluctantly, the project had failed but a spark, since then, flashed until its rebirth ...
This is an article about updating the Palio del Fantasma website to more modern technologies.

The Palio is an event, with a medieval re-enactment character, typical of the municipality of Castel Ritaldi in the summer months, which sees the districts of the municipality compete to win the famous palio.

For years the site has gone offline, it remains this copy for illustrative purposes.